When searching for a rental property, be aware of scammers who might try to take your money. You may find listings that look too good to be true. Common places you will find them are on websites like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace and Zillow. Too often these listings really are too good to be true, but you can be on the lookout by watching for these common signs of a rental scam.
Read moreMoving to a New City Without a Job
If you’re moving to a new city without a job lined up, one of the best things you can do is start saving money. Having a cushion in your savings account will help ease the financial burden as you search for employment.
Read moreSmart Packing Tips for Moving Day
The last thing you need after a long moving day is to discover that a valuable item was damaged. That’s certain to dampen your spirits when you’re just getting settled into your new home. Here are some packing tips to help ensure that doesn’t happen.
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The last thing you want to experience after purchasing a home is “buyer’s regret”. That’s the sinking feeling you get when you realize, days or weeks later, that you may have made the wrong decision.
Read moreThe Problem with “Stuff”
The late comedian George Carlin used to have a routine called, “A place for my stuff.” He was referring to the idea that, besides being a place to sleep and eat, the purpose of a home is essentially to store all the stuff you accumulate over the years.
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