When selling your house, there will be multiple expenses that need to be covered. These include costs you will pay before closing, costs related to the sale and costs you would pay whether you sell or not.
Read moreThe Dallas Housing Market: Then and Now
The Dallas housing market has come a long way since the crash in 2008. The market is now in a very different place, with different demands and needs. In this blog post, we will explore how the housing market has changed and what to expect in 2022. We will look at supply and demand, new construction, mortgage lending standards and more!
Read moreIs Dallas a Good Place to Live?
Dallas has long been a hub for Real Estate and development so it’s no surprise that the city is continuing to grow in popularity. If you’ve been asking yourself, “Is Dallas a good place to live?” The answer is yes and here are four reasons why!
Read moreAre We in a Housing Bubble?
There is a lot of talk about the housing market these days. Are we in a housing bubble? Some say that it’s inevitable, that the market will crash and homeowners will lose everything. Others maintain that the market is going in a good direction. So what’s the truth? Let’s take a look at supply and demand in the housing market to find out.
Read more2008 Housing Crisis Explained
When trying to predict whether the current housing market will crash, it’s important to look to the past. The 2008 housing crisis can be very informative to know whether our current market will crash. In this blog, we’ll talk about understanding the 2008 housing market crisis.
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